Our mission is to help companies and individuals reach their highest potential through workplace diversity and inclusion.
Our purpose is to bring diverse talent to light for corporations and believe our clients’ can best fulfill the mission of advancing diversity and inclusion by recruiting the best-qualified candidates.
We pride ourselves on long-lasting relationships and have become an innovator in the diverse talent space.
“We believe there is a huge gap in our working world of people not appreciating and providing access to very talented and capable diverse candidates,” says Brook Sims, COO. “Our purpose is to bring that talent to light for those corporations, so they know the talent is out there.
Why Diverse Businesses Are More Successful:
Diverse organizations better serve diverse customers.
Diverse organizations can recruit better talent because the talent pipeline is larger and because diverse organizations, particularly those that are transparent about their initiatives, are more attractive to potential employees.
Promoting diversity does not ensure a culture of inclusion.
The biggest hurdle is making sure the committed actions are speaking louder than the words.
Diverse leadership is essential for continued growth and a multitude of studies have shown the positive impact it brings to organizations.
A powerful leader is one who can elevate others over themselves and help them achieve their highest potential. They can create space for people to be seen, heard, and celebrated. They can lead with integrity and listen without judgment. They prioritize their own learning and growth so they can continue to show up in ways that empower others. They take time to challenge themselves and reflect on how and why they think the way they do and are open to new possibilities and find value in understanding other perspectives.